Replicas of the Jerusalem temple

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In addition to the question of the rebuilding of the temple within Judaism , there were repeated attempts to integrate aspects of the Jerusalem temple into sacred buildings from more or less architecturally correct templates .

Templo de Salomão

Hagia Sophia

The Hagia Sophia is in many ways with the Temple of Solomon connected. First, it was believed that the Ark of the Covenant or the curtain of the Holy of Holies was kept in Hagia Sophia. Second, Hagia Sophia was designed with the same proportions as the temple (3: 1: 1.5). And while the saying ascribed to Justinian that he surpassed Solomon is probably not historical, his church was named after Holy Wisdom, and wisdom in the Bible is particularly associated with the person of King Solomon.

Ethiopian church building

In the Ethiopian Orthodox Church , Salo traditions are of great importance. The tripartite division of the temple, vestibule (ulam) - holy (hechal) - holy of holies (debir) , is the basis of all Ethiopian churches, and because they are mostly round, in three concentric circles. In the center is a replica of the ark ( tabot ); this room may only be entered by high-ranking priests and the king. The ring that closes around it, which corresponds to the hechal , is reserved for the priests and may only be entered by laypeople during communion. The temple singers make music in the outer ring. -

European church building in the 17th century

  • Juan Bautista Villalpando identified the Temple of Solomon with the visionary temple of Ezekiel and thus came to a temple reconstruction that probably influenced the planning of the Escorial . It was quoted in churches and monasteries of the Counter Reformation and is also the basis of the Hamburg temple model . Villalpando's temple was fascinating because of its symmetry and its formal quality.
  • All in all, dealing with the Bible texts dealing with temple building took a different route in the Protestant area. The temple is not a mystical, but a historical building. Constantinus l'Empereur van Oppyck translated the Middot treatise into Latin (Leiden 1630) and, by combining the information in Middot and Josephus, came up with a temple reconstruction that was completely different from Villalpando's design. The works of John Lightfoot (London 1649) and Johannes Lund (Hamburg 1701) were also based on rabbinical sources . Several models of the Temple of Solomon were created for teaching purposes, including a wooden model in the Francke Foundations (Hall 1717).

Templo de Salomão

A 55-meter-high replica of the Temple of Solomon was inaugurated in São Paulo in 2014. The builder was the “Universal Church of the Kingdom of God” ( Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus ) , one of the largest Pentecostal churches in Brazil. Representatives of the Jewish community, Head of State Dilma Rousseff and leading politicians of the country attended the inauguration of the temple .

References and comments

  1. Sarah-Christin Schmidt: Cube, cult and confrontations: The symbol complex of the temple in Jerusalem and its realization in Judaism, Christianity and Islam . Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag , S. 239-240 .
  2. Ernst Axel Knauf : Salo traditions in Ethiopia. The "Solomonic Dynasty" in the Horn of Africa . In: World and Environment of the Bible . No. 66 , 2012, p. 25 .
  3. Gianfranco Miletto : Faith and Knowledge in the Age of Reformation . S. 130 .
  4. Gianfranco Miletto : Faith and Knowledge in the Age of Reformation . S. 143 .
  5. Gianfranco Miletto : Faith and Knowledge in the Age of Reformation . S. 139 .
  6. Gianfranco Miletto : Faith and Knowledge in the Age of Reformation . S. 141 .
  7. Klaus Hart : Solomon's Temple in São Paulo. In: Jüdische Allgemeine . February 19, 2015, accessed August 28, 2018 .