Nadeschda Adolfowna Joffe

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Nadeschda Adolfowna Joffe ( Russian: Надежда Адольфовна Иоффе , scientific transliteration Nadežda Adol'fovna Ioffe ; also: Nadezhda Joffe; born 1906 ; died March 18, 1999 ) was a Soviet Trotskyist and daughter of the early Bolshevik Joffe ( 18 ) Adolphist ( 18 ).


Nadezhda Joffe got to know the leading Marxists in Russia and Germany as a child. She joined the Trotskyist Left Opposition within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union shortly after its founding in 1923 and was banished from Moscow for the first time in 1929 . She was arrested again at the beginning of the Great Purge in 1936 and sent to the Kolyma labor camp in Siberia. Her first husband, the Trotskyist Pawel Kossakowski, was killed there in 1938. After Stalin's death in 1953, Joffes judgment was overturned and she returned to Moscow in 1956. In the years 1971–1972 she wrote a book with memories ( flashback: My life. My fate. My epoch ), which was published for the first time in 1992 in Moscow after the dissolution of the Soviet Union . Her family emigrated to the United States at the end of their lives and settled in Brooklyn , New York . She devoted the last years of her life to working on the biography of her father and his letters.

She is buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow .


  • Nadeschda A. Joffe: Flashback. My life, my fate, my era . Essen 1997, ISBN 3-88634-063-5 ( reviews )
  • А. А. Иоффе: революционер и дипломат (Воспоминания Н. А. Иоффе об отце Посмертное письмо А. А. Иоффе. Речь Л. Д. Троцкого на могиле А. А. Иоффе) // Новая и новейшая история. 1990. № 3.
  • Мой отец Адольф Абрамович Иоффе: Воспоминания, документы и материалы, Moscow, 1997.

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