Nakamura Daizaburō

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Lantern Minister, draft 1922
Lantern Minister, 1922

Nakamura Daizaburō ( Japanese 中 村 大 三郎 ; born March 21, 1898 in Kyoto ; died September 14, 1947 ) was a Japanese painter of the Nihonga direction of the Taishō and Shōwa periods .

life and work

Nakamura Daizaburō graduated in 1916 from the Department of Painting of the "Municipal School of Arts and Crafts Kyōto" (京都 市立 美術 工 芸 Ky, Kyōto shiritsu bijutsu kōgei gakkō) and then in 1919 at the “Municipal School of Painting” (京都 市立 絵 画 専 門学校, Kyōto shiritsu kaiga semmon gakkō). He then trained under Nishiyama Suishō at his studio Seikōsha (青 甲 社), who later became his father-in-law.

While he was at the Municipal Academy for Painting, he was able to show a picture for the first time in 1918 at the 12th Bunter exhibition , namely "懺悔" (pliers, confession). In 1920, at the 2nd Teiten exhibition , his picture "静夜 聞 香" (Seiya bunkō, enjoy smell in the evening) was awarded. The same award also received his picture "燈籠 の お と ど" (Tōrō no otodo; Minister of Lanterns).

In 1928 Nakamura became a juror for the Teiten. In the Taishō period he shone with historical depictions and pictures of beautiful women, they are romantically designed in fine work. But with the painting “ピ ア ノ” (Piano) in 1925, he turned to contemporary issues. In addition, he devoted himself to almost musically designed subjects with images such as "三井 寺" (Miidera). - In 1924 Nakamura became an advisor to the School of Arts and Crafts, a year later assistant professor at the College of Painting in Kyoto, and then professor in 1936.



  1. Taira no Shigemori (平 重 盛; 1138–1179) was referred to as the “Minister of Lanterns” because he had donated many lanterns for a temple.


  • National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (ed.): Nakamura Daizaburō In: Kyōto no Nihonga 1910–1930. National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, 1986. ISBN 4-87642-117-X .
  • Laurance P. Roberts: Nakamura Daizaburō . In: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. Weatherhill, 1976. ISBN 0-8348-0113-2 .

Web links

Commons : Nakamura Daizaburō  - collection of images, videos and audio files