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Nammeius was a Gauls of noble descent from the Helvetii tribe in the middle of the 1st century BC. Chr.

He is only known from one passage in Gaius Julius Caesar's account of the Gallic War . After that, Nammeius and Verucloetius headed a Helvetic embassy, ​​which was held in the spring of 58 BC. BC in Genava ( Geneva ) negotiated with Caesar whether the Helvetii could pass through the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis to emigrate. Caesar held them out to secretly take measures against the passage of the Helvetii. At a second meeting on April 13, 58 BC He rejected the request of the Helvetii, who had to find a narrow, narrow path further north. In the battle of Bibracte , the emigration of the Helvetii was finally stopped.


  1. ^ Caesar, De bello Gallico 1, 7-8 .