Nascimento Morais Filho

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José Nascimento Morais Filho (born July 15, 1922 in São Luís , Brazil; † February 21, 2009 ibid) was a Brazilian writer and folklorist .


Morais Filho is considered to be the rediscoverer of Maria Firmina dos Reis (1825–1917): in the 1960s, he happened upon her novella Úrsula from 1859 in an antiquarian bookshop , which she had published under the pseudonym Uma Maranhense . Through his research, he found out the correct name of the author and published a first facsimile of the novella and other works by the author in 1975 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Morre professor Nascimento Moraes Filho. Valquíria Ferreira's blog, February 21, 2009.
  2. Luiza Lobo: To auto-retrato de mulher: a pioneira maranhense Maria Firmina dos Reis . In: Letterature d'America . tape 7 (1985/86) , no. 29/31 , ISSN  1125-1743 , OCLC 7587473 , pp. 71 f .
  3. Constância Duarte Lima: Gênero e etnia no nascente romance brasileiro . Review. In: Revista Estudos Feministas . tape 13 , no. 2 (May-August). Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro , 2005, ISSN  0104-026X , OCLC 181404323 , p. 443-444 ( [accessed March 10, 2013]).