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Nasecheperensachmet in hieroglyphics
26th Dynasty
A. s
n sxm x

(Na Secheper en sachmet)
N3 sḫpr n sḫmt
Cube stool Liebieghaus 1449.jpg
Block statue of Nasecheperensachmet

Nasecheperensachmet was a high ancient Egyptian official with the titles of a vizier , who was the highest state office after the king ( Pharaoh ). Nasecheperensachmet is only known from a cube stool that is now in the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt am Main . The statue is inscribed on the front and names three titles of Nasecheperensachmet. He is the priest of Amun , ruler of the city and vizier ( Tjati ). The head of the statue is an 18th or 19th century restoration. His mother is also called Schepamuntaschepet on the statue.

Nasecheperensachmet probably officiated in the late period under Psammetich I. During this period there was one vizier for Upper and one for Lower Egypt . Since the statue of Nasecheperensachmet probably comes from Saqqara , it is indicated that Nasecheperensachmet was officiating in Lower Egypt.


  • Diana Alexandra Pressl: Officials and soldiers: The administration in the 26th dynasty in Egypt (664-525 BC) (= European university publications . Series 3: History and its auxiliary sciences. Vol. 779). Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-631-32586-X , p. 183.