Nathanail of Ohrid

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Nathanail of Ohrid

Nathanail or Nathanail of Ohrid (also Nathanael , Bulgarian Натанаил Охридски / Natanail Ohridski), secular name Nescho Stanów Bojkikew (also Nesho Stanov Boykikev written Bulgarian Нешо Станов Бойкикев * 26. October 1820 in Kučevište , then Ottoman Empire , today in northern Macedonia ; † September 18, 1906 in Plovdiv , Bulgaria ) was a high Bulgarian Orthodox clergyman, enlightener of the Bulgarian National Revival , activist in the Bulgarian-Greek church struggle for an independent Bulgarian church and co-organizer of the Kresna Raslog uprising of 1878. Next Natanail was a member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences .

Nathanail was from 1872 to 1880 Metropolitan of the Diocese of Ohrid of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and a member of the Holy Synod . From 1880 to 1891 he was Metropolitan of the Diocese of Lovetsch and from 1891 to 1906 Metropolitan of the Diocese of Plovdiv .


Nathanail was also known by the names Nathanail Sografski and Nathanail Plovdiwski . The first epithet can be traced back to the Zográfou monastery , where he was ordained a priest, the second to the bishopric of Plovdiv , which he held from 1891 until his death in 1906. He signed some of his works with the pseudonyms N. Bogdan, Edin Sadunaez, Bogomolez and Bogdan.


  • Служение еврейско и все злотворение нихно (1835, translation from the Greek)
  • Зерцало или огледало християнское (1840/41, translation)
  • О том, что Болгарский Архиепископ в древния времена не зависил ни от Римскаго, ни от Римскаго, ни от Римскаго, ни от Римскаго, ни акот Константинатин (18)
  • Приятелское писмо от българина к гръку (1853)
  • Кратко изяснение на Божественна Литургия (1864)
  • Буквар славено-българскій (to German Slavic-Bulgarian Primer, 1865)
  • Произшествіе въ Скопска епархия (1865)
  • Кратко християнское Наставление (1868)
  • За Юстинианови права на Охридска архиепископия или за църковна независимост и самостоятелност на Охридско-Българско священоначалие (1873)


  • Веска Топалова: Натанаил Охридски - Борба за България , Издател: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 2003.
predecessor Office successor
Metropolitan of Ohrid
predecessor Office successor
Joseph I. Metropolitan of Lovetsch
predecessor Office successor
Neophytos VIII. Metropolitan of Plovdiv