National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

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Logo of the NCSF

The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom ( NCSF - National Coalition for Sexual Freedom) is an interest group founded in 1997 that deals with political lobbying for and public education about BDSM . With more than 50 member organizations and over 100 supporting organizations, the NCSF represents thousands of consensual adults living in alternative lifestyles and is the only organization in the US whose stated goal is to increase tolerance, educate people about and end discrimination against alternative lifestyles. The organization is based in Baltimore , donations to the association are tax-deductible ( public benefit of the association).

A similar organization, the Sexual Freedom Coalition, is based in the UK .

Goal setting

Mission Statement: The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national organization that works to create a political, legal and social environment in the United States that promotes equality between consensual adults who practice an alternative form of sexuality. The NCSF focuses above all others on the rights of consensual adults from the BDSM, fetish and leather scene , swingers and the group of polyamorous people, who are often discriminated against because of their sexual inclinations.

The NCSF is the only national group in the US that wants to change the political, legal and social climate for those who live in the subcultures of BDSM, swingers and polyamory.

NCSF programs

Four of the six NCSF programs began as early as 1997, and today the organization is active in various areas:

The media project

The NCSF media project offers sound recordings and tactics for anyone involved with public media. The spokeswoman for the organization, Susan Wright, organizes regular media training courses and conducts over 60 interviews per year in order to ensure media coverage of questions of alternative sexuality.

Media updates

NCSF Media Updates is a program created by Keith Richie that creates articles about BDSM, swing and polyamory and provides editorial staff, as well as contact information for letters to the editor to influence future media coverage.

Incident Response Team

The Incident Response Team is requested by over 500 individuals, groups, lawyers, and companies each year to help with complaints or discrimination. These included the International Mr. Leather and companies such as, which benefited from years of experience in the fight against religious or politically motivated extremists and from the NCSF's cooperation with local authorities.

Legal program

The legal program is supported by lawyers who give their time free of charge ( pro bono ) to clarify the respective current legal situation and to influence courts in their decision-making. They are particularly charged with "obscenity", the formulation "consent is not." Defense against Assault ”and the right to freedom of assembly. An important precedent was set thanks to the lawsuit against B. Nitke for improper communication , which overturned the previous judicial notion of obscenity regarding the Internet.

Kink Aware Professionals

The Kink Aware Professionals (KAP) program is a recommendation list of professional therapists, doctors, psychologists and other professions who deal with the concerns and difficulties of alternative sexuality and are not hostile to it. NCSF is trying to recruit additional KAP members from the legal, medical and psychotherapy sectors.

Educational program

The Education Outreach Program (EOP) is sponsored by the 21st Century Relationships , the foundation of the NCSF, and supports the right of consensual adults to choose the type and structure of intimate relationships that meet their emotional and human needs. The program itself serves to educate law enforcement officers and members of the NCSF about the risks of selective law interpretation and how to avoid being targeted. Measures are, for example, presentations on topics such as traveling with sex toys .


During the 1990s the NCSF forged some alliances with other organizations that also defend the right to sexual self-actualization, including the American Civil Liberties Union , Free Speech Coalition, American Association of Sex Educators Councilors and Therapists, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and the Gay and Lesbian Activist Alliance.

The NCSF has a total of 54 coalition partners who elect the board and set the organization's annual goals at the annual coalition meeting. These partners are groups and companies that support BDSMers, swingers or polyamorous people. In addition, the NCSF has over 100 supporting organizations, companies and groups that actively promote the NCSF, a total of tens of thousands of people are thereby members of the NCSF.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mission Statement The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the United States that advances equal rights of consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual expression. NCSF is primarily focused on the rights of consenting adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamory communities, who often face discrimination because of their sexual expression.
  2. Media Outreach Program ( Memento of the original from April 15, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. cf. Data strike: Wolf Deunan: Constructive letters to the editor for sadomasochists.
  4. Education Outreach Program ( Memento of the original from April 15, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /