National research focus Suchcat

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The National Research Center (NCCR) Suchcat: Sustainable Chemical Processes Through Catalysis (also: National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Suchcat: Sustainable Chemical Processes Through Catalysis / Pôle de Recherche National (PRN) Suchcat: Sustainable Chemical Processes Through Catalysis ) is a Swiss , inter-university research program dealing with novel catalytic processes . The national research focus Suchcat wants to develop the scientific and technological bases to make chemical processes and products, but also the chemical industry as a whole, more sustainable, more resource-efficient and CO 2 -neutral . The NCCR Suchcat is supposed to contribute to the development of innovative chemical value chains using an interdisciplinary approach.

The NCCR Suchcat is based at the ETH Zurich and the EPF Lausanne as a home institution and is headed by Professor Javier Pérez-Ramírez. The national network includes numerous other research groups from other universities. The launch of the NCCR Suchcat was announced by Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin at a media conference on December 16, 2019 . The start of research is planned for 2020. The NCCR Suchcat is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation for an initial funding period (2020–2023) with 17 million Swiss francs. The total budget for this period is CHF 31.9 million.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Six new national research priorities strengthen top-class Swiss research , accessed on February 11, 2020