National League (field handball) 1946

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National League 1946
Logo of the Swiss Federal Gymnastics Association
master Grasshopper Club ZurichGrasshopper Club Zurich Grasshopper Club Zurich
Cup winners BTV AarauBTV Aarau BTV Aarau
Relegated TV substrassTV substrass TV substrass
Teams 8th
Games 56  (of which 56 played)
Gates 754  (ø 13.46 per game)
1st division 1945

The 1946 season was the 15th regular season of the top division in Swiss field handball and at the same time the first season of the national league to replace the first division.


This season, 8 teams are playing in the " everyone against everyone " mode with one home and one away game for the Swiss championship. In the event of a tie, the better goal difference decides. The first in the table on the last match day is Swiss champions 1946. The team in last place was relegated to the first division in 1947 .

Championship round

Ranking list

Pl. society Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Points
01. GC Amicitia Zurich Logo.svg Grasshopper Club Zurich 14th 11 01 02 0116: 7500 +41 0023: 5000
02. BTV Aarau Logo.svg BTV Aarau (M) (C) 14th 09 01 04th 0100: 8400 +16 0019: 9000
03. RTV 1879 Basel Logo.svg RTV 1879 Basel 14th 09 01 04th 0103: 9300 +10 0019: 9000
04th GG Bern Logo.png GG Bern 14th 06th 01 07th 0079:8700  −8 0013:1500
05. TV merchants Zurich Logo.svg Merchants Zurich 14th 05 01 08th 0104: 9500  +9 0011:1700
06th ZMC Amicitia Zurich Logo.svg Amicitia Zurich 14th 04th 03 07th 0094: 1100 −16 0011:1700
07th None.svg Abstinent gymnastics club Basel 14th 04th 01 09 0095: 1080 −13 0009:1900
08th. TV Unterstrass Logo.png TV substrass 14th 02 03 09 0063: 1020 −39 0007:2100
At the end of the championship round in 1946:
Swiss master
Direct relegation to the 1st division in 1947
At the end of the 1945 season:
(M) Swiss master
(C) Grossfeld Cup winner

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Weber : Swiss championships in field and small field handball. (PDF; 13.2 MB) 1932 - 1981. Swiss Handball Association , 1981, p. 9 , accessed on May 17, 2017 .