David Nature Foundation

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The David Naturstiftung is a German foundation whose work focuses on the fields of nature conservation , renewable energies and energy saving .

It was founded in 1998 by the Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND), the regional association of Thuringia. The purpose of the foundation is to promote nature and environmental protection in the new federal states . In the areas of nature conservation, renewable energies and energy saving, the foundation supports projects of environmental initiatives and carries out its own projects. The foundation is a member of the German Nature Conservation Ring .

The foundation capital of 3.65 million euros comes from an out-of-court settlement between BUND Thuringia and the energy company VEAG (today: Vattenfall Europe ) in the proceedings for the construction of the Goldisthal pumped storage plant . Adjusted for inflation, around 125,000 euros are available annually for the foundation's work from the income from the capital invested under ecological and social criteria. In addition, the foundation raises donations and third-party funds and cooperates with commercial enterprises.

Since it was founded, more than 250 projects (foundation projects and third-party projects) with a total volume of over 1 million euros have been financed. The foundation regards the safeguarding of up to 125,000 hectares of nationally significant nature conservation areas, such as the Hohe Schrecke nature reserve, as a great success in the field of nature conservation . In the energy sector, as part of the foundation project, sonnenklar! In the states of Thuringia , Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt almost 100 sports facilities have so far been energetically renovated, for example the Werner-Assmann-Halle in Eisenach .

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Individual evidence

  1. Colorful exotic species flutter in the Hohe Schrecke. Bee-eaters settle in the Hohe Schrecke. This year ten breeding pairs were detected for the first time. Thuringian General , September 5, 2019 .;
  2. Solar power at the Werner-Assmann-Halle Eisenach. (PDF) City of Eisenach;
  3. Clearly! Sport for sustainable energy Decision as part of the Sport and Environment program. DBU;