Nautical thread
Physical unit | |
Unit name | Nautical thread |
Unit symbol | |
Physical quantity (s) | length |
Formula symbol | |
dimension | |
system | Anglo-American system of measurement |
In SI units | |
Derived from | yard |
See also: cable length |
The board thread (from the English "fathom", to German: "thread", and " fathom called") is a non- SI -compliant unit of length which especially in the English-language navigation - in the nautical - for depth indications in use is. Originally, the measure was the span of the arms of a full-grown man, historically equated to six feet, the fathom.
- 1 statute mile = 880 fm
Occasionally a newer, non-standardized definition is used:
- 1 fm = 1/100 cable length = 1/1000 nautical mile = 1.852 m
In the EC Directive 80/181 / EEC, the first definition is based on, but rounded the numerical value to 1,829 meters.
Different definition of thread in seafaring
The Paris line is calculated here with 2.2558 mm.
designation | int. | Paris lines | meter | |
Prussian thread | 1 thread | = 6 feet (Prussian) = 1/2 rod | 736.2 | 1.88312 meters |
Danish thread | 1 favo | = 6 feet | 834.7 | 1.88291626 |
French thread | 1 bream | = 5 feet | 720 | 1.624176 |
Hamburger thread | 1 HF | = 6 feet | 762 | 1.7189196 |
Dutch thread | 1 Vaam | = 6 feet | 834.8 | 1.88314184 |
Neapolitan thread | 1 NF | = 5 feet | 720 | 1.624176 |
Portuguese thread | 1 Braca | = 8 palmos | 775.2 | 1.74869616 |
Swedish thread | 1 SF | = 6 feet | 789.6 | 1.781968 |
(Sources below)
See also
- Erna Padelt, Hansgeorg Laporte: Units and magnitudes of the natural sciences. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig 1967, p. 153
- Wolfgang Trapp : Small manual of the dimensions, numbers, weights and the time calculation. With tables and figures . Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart 1992, p. 131 f. (= Universal Library No. 8737) ISBN 3-15-008737-6 .
Individual evidence
- ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 114.
- ↑ Gustav Adolph Jahn: Dictionary of applied mathematics: a manual for use. Volume 1, Reichenbach'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1855, p. 417.