Nazan Gökdemir

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Nazan Gökdemir (born December 31, 1980 in Hanover ) is a German journalist and television presenter .



Nazan Gökdemir grew up in a large family in the Hanover suburb of Garbsen . She attended the Osterberg elementary school there from 1987 to 1991 and then the IGS Garbsen from 1991 to 2000 . From 1994 to 2000 she worked as a reporter for the school newspaper Skunk .

After graduating from high school in 2000, Nazan Gökdemir went to Paris for a year. In 2001 she started the interdisciplinary and bilingual study of "European Media Culture" at the Bauhaus University Weimar . During her academic training, Gökdemir studied four semesters at the French Université Lumière Lyon 2 . She completed journalistic internships, among others at ZDF , Saarländischer Rundfunk and Euronews in Lyon.


After completing his studies, Gökdemir worked for a year and a half at the Society for Technical Cooperation GTZ (now GIZ ) in Brussels. In 2008 she switched to ZDF, where she first completed an 18-month editorial traineeship and then worked as a reporter for several news formats, mainly for the weekday magazine Drehscheibe Deutschland .

In January 2012 she switched to the Franco-German broadcaster ARTE and has since then moderated the daily news magazine Arte Journal in alternation with Jürgen Biehle . Since July 2013 she has also been working as a presenter and reporter for the ZDF program " Forum am Freitag ".


  • “Cap ou pas cap?” - Between play and non-play: A game-theoretical consideration of “Cap ou pas cap?” In Yann Samuel's film Jeux d'enfants . VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008 ISBN 3-63-903760-X


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. TV documentary European Muslims table of contents and videos in the bpb media library