Isaiah Shembe

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Isaiah Shembe

Isaiah Shembe (* 1867 , † 1935 ; also: Isaia Shembe ) was out of the mission christianity forth previous Zulu - prophet , healer and church founder. He began as a lay preacher and later built his own church. Shembe saw himself as the true and only follower of Jesus and was worshiped like a god by many of his followers. His (holy) writings were translated into English by Hans-Jürgen Becken and Londa Shembe and edited by Irving Hexham.

Nazareth Baptist Church

Founded in 1910 by Isaiah Shembe, the Nazareth Baptist Church , also known as The Nazarite Church , AmaNazarites or Shembe Church , is the oldest African independent indigenous church in South Africa. It was in Inanda in the context of Mahatma Gandhi founded and has about one million members in KwaZulu-Natal .

Since the death of Bishop Johannes Galilee Shembe in 1976, it has been divided into two groups. The larger group was led by Bishop Amos Shembe until his death in 1996, while Rt. Rev. Londa Shembe led the smaller group.


  1. ^ University of Calgary


  • Irving Hexham , ed., Hans-Jürgen Becken, and the Rt. Rev. Londaukosi iNsiKayakho Shembe, translators, with introductory essay by GC Oosthuizen, The Scriptures of the amaNazaretha of Ekuphakameni, Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 1994
  • Irving Hexham and GC Ooshuizen, eds., Translated by Hans-Jürgen Becken, The Story of Isaiah Shembe: History and Traditions Centered on Ekuphakameni and Mount Nhlangakazi, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press , 1996
  • Irving Hexham and GC Ooshuizen, eds., Translated by Hans-Jürgen Becken, The Acts of the Nazaretha: Oral Tradition and the Early History of the People of Shembe, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 1999
  • Irving Hexham and GC Ooshuizen, eds., Translated by Hans-Jürgen Becken, The Sun and the Moon: Oral Testimony and the Sacred History of the Ama-Nazarites Under the Leadership of Johannes Galilee Shembe and Amos Shembe, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, in press.


  • Irving Hexham: The Story of Isaiah Shembe. 3 volumes, (edited together with GC Oosthuizen) (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 1996–2001) ISBN 0-7734-8773-5 (v.1); ISBN 0-7734-7335-1 (v.3)
  • Katesa Schlosser : Prophets in Africa. Braunschweig 1949.
  • Bengt Sundkler: Banto prophets in South Africa. Stuttgart 1964.

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