Nehesi (treasurer)

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Nehesi in hieroglyphics
T14 S29 Z4


Nehesi was treasurer ( jmj-r3-ḫtmt ) under the ancient Egyptian ruler Hatshepsut (approximately from 1479 to 1458 BC).

Nehesi is best known from the Queen's mortuary temple in Deir el-Bahari . There he appears in their ninth year of reign on reliefs as head of the point expedition . Besides, little is known about his person. He had his grave on the site of the Bubasteion in Saqqara and a chapel in Jabal al-Silsila (No. 14).


  • Alain-Pierre Zivie: Un chancelier nommé Nehesy. In: Mélanges Adolphe Gutbub. Montpellier 1984, pp. 245-252.
  • Alain-Pierre Zivie: Les tombeaux retrouvés de Saqqara. Éditions du Rocher, Monaco / Paris 2003, ISBN 2-268-04479-3 , p. 22.