Neoconservatism in Japan

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The neo-conservatism in Japan , also known as neo-defense school is to refer a term that is used by Asian media to a new generation of war favorable Japanese conservative.

This new generation differs from older Japanese Conservatives in that they take a more "active" view of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and are known for doing what would be considered politically incorrect in the West ( Shintaro Ishihara is particularly known for this). Despite this, or perhaps because of it, they are very popular across the nation, especially among the middle-aged population. The term is used in China , North and South Korea, and Japan to refer to them.

As part of the post-war generation, they see themselves as free from responsibility or guilt for Japan's conquests and war history, as well as Japanese war crimes . They see China as a country that harbors historical grievances for political gain rather than accepting Japan's apologies. The neoconservatives show strong patriotic pride and emphasize Japan's international role. They no longer see the North and South Korean-Japanese relations as particularly special, but want to rebuild them as a normal relationship in which Japanese war guilt is no longer a factor in the bilateral negotiations. Accordingly, they also support changing the Japanese constitution , especially the obsolete existing Article 9 , in order to achieve progress in the "normalization" of the status of Japan (that is, to enable the country to get back to the level of most other countries upgrade ).

The neoconservatives generally eschew the traditional party discipline of factions ( 派閥 , habatsu ) and form alliances with lawmakers linked to national defense and set up their own study committees. The non-partisan Young Lawmaker's Group for Establishing Security in the New Century , founded in 2001, is the core of the neoconservative group within the Japanese parliament . It should be noted that the Young in the title is relative as the group members are 40 to 60 years old, younger than the majority of powerful politicians who are in their 60s and 70s.


The neoconservatives are a group of "younger" politicians in their 40s and 50s. The main neoconservatives include:


Junichiro Koizumi (former Prime Minister) has a very conservative foreign policy. He receives support from the neoconservative MPs, but is not considered a neoconservative himself.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. George Nishiyama: North Korea nuke threat gives ammunition to Japan hawks. In: Yahoo . April 27, 2003, archived from the original on July 7, 2003 ; accessed on April 8, 2018 .
  2. a b c Ayako Mie: Ishihara's new party embraces 'neoconservative' policies. In: The Japan Times . July 24, 2014, accessed August 17, 2019 .
  3. Chikako Yamamoto: Longing for the "venerable death". In: The time . January 29, 2004, accessed August 17, 2019 .