New Apostolic Creed

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The New Apostolic Creed is part of the series of Christian creeds and accordingly summarizes the principles of doctrine that are binding for the New Apostolic Church in ten articles of faith. It reflects the theological self-image formulated by the church itself, shows the Christian character of the church and the differences to other denominations. It is not used in the practice of worship, for example as a jointly spoken prayer text by the congregation as in other churches.


In 1908 the New Apostolic Church's creed appeared as an appendix to the first “General House Rules”. In the book “Old and New Ways or Forays through the spiritual ecclesiastical principalities and powers of the past and present” by Salus, published in 1912, a slightly different version is printed. Another version was published in 1914 in “Statutes along with house rules and creed of the German New Apostolic Congregations”, printed by CG Röder GmbH., Leipzig . In 1916 a linguistically barely changed version was published in “Questions and Answers”.

In the statutes of the Apostolic Congregation from 1922, the tenth article of faith is missing; it was removed from the creed during the Weimar Republic and reintroduced in 1932. In 1938 a linguistically adapted Creed was published in the previous work of the Catechism , "Questions and Answers".

The Articles of Faith of 1951 show significant changes from the previous versions. With the revision of “Questions and Answers”, a further version appears in 1992 with a modified tenth article of faith, which was also published unchanged in 1997 in the “House Rules for Members of the New Apostolic Church”. On June 6, 2010 the last version will be published, with the Apostolicum and the Nicano-Constantinopolitanum appearing on an equal footing .

Theological significance of the 1951 revision

The Articles of Faith, commissioned by Chief Apostle Bischoff in 1950 and elaborated by his son, Apostle Friedrich Bischoff (at the time of commissioning District Elder), in 1951 represented a turning point in the theological development of the New Apostolic Church. From the changes in the fourth, sixth and eighth article of the The following observations in particular can be derived from the 1938 Confession:

  • The fourth article was supplemented for the first time in 1951 with the addition that baptism with the Holy Spirit (i.e. the Holy Sealing ) is explicitly part of the mission of the apostles according to the New Apostolic understanding. The third sacrament of the NAC was thus linked directly to the reestablishment of the apostolic office .
  • While the sixth Article of Faith in 1938 stated that the " rebirth out of water and the Spirit " based on Joh 3,5  EU (and thus the "childship of God" according to today's understanding) came from Holy Water Baptism , since 1951 this sacrament only applies "Part" of rebirth. Furthermore, the designation of the “ body of Christ ” based on 1 Cor 12.13  EU , into which one would previously be incorporated through water baptism, was transferred to the eighth article. As a result, the spiritual rebirth or childship to God was only considered to be complete through the Holy Sealing, which increased the NAK's claim to exclusivity within Christianity. This view as such was found earlier, e.g. B. Represented in 1890 by Apostle Friedrich Wilhelm Menkhoff in the church magazine Der Herold , but not in earlier Catholic-Apostolic or New Apostolic basic works.
  • The view from the eighth article that the “gifts received would be brought to life” through the Holy Sealing dropped out in favor of the reinterpretation of spiritual rebirth without replacement. As a result, the New Apostolic Church moved away from the charismatic origins of Catholic-Apostolic theology in one decisive point .

As early as 1932, the father and son Bischoff tried to bring about and justify this theological turnaround by means of a falsified reissue of the Catholic Apostolic Faith Manifesto, the "Great Testimony", entitled The Testimony of the Apostles to the Spiritual and Secular Heads of Christianity .


  • The first three articles describe statements about the Trinity of God and largely correspond to the content of the Apostolicum . In the original version of the New Apostolic Creed, they correspond to the wording of the time according to the “Main Articles of Faith” in Martin Luther's Great Catechism and the Book of Concords of 1580.
  • Articles four and five contain statements about the importance of the apostleship in the sense of a mission given by Jesus Christ. What is significant is the apostolic churches and communities' own belief that they are shaped and led by the Apostles living today. Other Christian churches only refer to the apostles of early Christianity.
  • Articles six through eight describe the three sacraments that are administered in this church. They are the basis and imperative for creating salvation for the soul.
  • The ninth article describes the promises of God and expresses the naturally controversial views on the mystery of God's future action.
  • The tenth and final article describes the understanding of the relationship with government and the state and was changed in the late 1980s.

The current creed

In the course of developing the Catechism of the New Apostolic Church , published in 2012, the Creed was revised and published on June 6, 2010. In it, the Apostolicum and Nicäno-Konstantinapoletanum are named directly as the basis of the New Apostolic Creed, which exist alongside it on an equal footing.

  1. I believe in God the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth.
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ , God's only begotten Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit , born of the Virgin Mary , suffered under Pontius Pilate , crucified, died, buried, entered the kingdom of death, rose from the dead on the third day of the dead ascended to heaven; he sits at the right hand of God the Almighty Father, from there he will return.
  3. I believe in the Holy Spirit , the one, holy, universal and apostolic Church, the communion of saints, forgiveness of sins , resurrection of the dead and eternal life.
  4. I believe that the Lord Jesus rules his church and has sent his apostles for this purpose and will still send until his return to teach with the commission to forgive sins in his name and to baptize with water and the Holy Spirit.
  5. I believe that those appointed by God for office are only appointed by apostles, and that the apostleship gives rise to authority, blessing, and sanctification for their service.
  6. I believe that holy baptism with water is the first step towards the renewal of man in the Holy Spirit and that through it the person being baptized is accepted into the community of those who believe in Jesus Christ and confess him to be Lord.
  7. I believe that Holy Communion is instituted by the Lord Himself as a reminder of the once brought, fully valid sacrifice, of the bitter suffering and death of Christ. The dignified enjoyment of Holy Communion guarantees us communion with Christ Jesus our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine; both must be sorted out and donated by a minister authorized by the apostle.
  8. I believe that those who are baptized with water must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost through an apostle in order to be children of God and the qualifications for firstfruits. (see also sealing )
  9. I believe that the Lord Jesus will return as surely as he went to heaven, taking the firstfruits from the dead and living, who were hoping for his coming and being prepared; that after the wedding in heaven he will come back to earth with them, establish his kingdom of peace and rule with him as royal priesthood. After the end of the kingdom of peace, he will hold the final judgment . Then God will create a new heaven and a new earth and dwell with his people.
  10. I believe that I am obliged to obey the worldly authorities, unless divine laws oppose it.

See also


  1. Peter Kuhlen: File records on the reasons for my resignation as Chief Apostle Helper and successor in the Chief Apostle Office on November 25, 1950. Düsseldorf, Frankfurt.
  2. Hannes Braito: THE CONFESSION OF THE NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH A synopsis of the versions from 1912, 1938, 1951, 1992 and 2010. 2011, accessed on July 4, 2019 .
  3. Apostolic Church: Section 8.3.9 impacts of Holy Sealing. In: Catechism of the New Apostolic Church. 2013, accessed July 4, 2019 .
  4. Helmut Obst: Apostles and prophets of the modern age. Founder of Christian religious communities in the 19th and 20th centuries . 4th edition. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000, p. 123 .
  5. ^ New Apostolic Church International: Dealing with the Great Testimony in the New Apostolic Church. In: December 2006, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  6. New Apostolic Church International: Comparison of Testimony - Testimony of the Apostles (text). In: 2006, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  7. ^ New Apostolic Church International: New Apostolic Church's creed was revised , June 6, 2010.
  8. Explanations (PDF; 126 kB) on