Neufeldner organic brewery

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Neufeldner organic brewery
legal form GmbH
founding 1523
Seat Neufelden
management Alois Meir
Branch brewery

The Neufeldner BioBrauerei is a beer brewery in the municipality of Neufelden in the Mühlviertel ( Upper Austria ). The brewery dates back to 1523.


The Neufeldner brewery was named as a brewery of the Diocese of Passau as early as 1523, with parts of the brewery cellar dating from this time. Furthermore, the existence of the brewery as a brewery of the market municipality of Neufelden is documented on November 29, 1649. In 1728 1360 buckets of beer were produced in Neufelden and 3033 buckets of beer in 1795/97. The communal brewery was finally sold on July 27, 1865 to the couple Martin and Theresia Scherrer, whose descendant Franz Scherrer achieved an output of 4,123 hectoliters in 1926/27. The brewery, which was family-owned until the end, was acquired and closed by Brau AG in 1986 . The brewery itself was subsequently used as a beer depot at times. The Neufeldner beer tradition was revived in the 1990s by Peter Friedwagner and Gottfried Breuss, a descendant of the last brewery owners. In 1992 they had the “Neufeldner Edelmärzen” brewed in the Sigl brewery in Obertrum and in 1995 they opened the “Neufeldner Brauhaus”. After investing around 10 million schillings, the beer was produced on a Beraplan plant using the Bohemian method, but with closed vessels. In addition to the lager beer, a cellar beer was also served in the brewery and the brands “Pöstlingberger Schlößlbräu”, “Thermenbräu Geinberg” and “Schupf'n Bräu” were brewed. However, the company had to go bankrupt in September 2000 and was subsequently taken over by Thomas Breuss, a drinks dealer and operator of an inn in Neufelden. The "Privatbrauerei Thomas Breuss" started operations on December 1, 2000, but was closed again in 2009 due to bankruptcy.

After two years of closure, the brewery was taken over by the Meir family from Wels in 2011 and transformed into the first organic brewery in Upper Austria. Richard Grasmück, who had previously worked for 15 years as production manager in the brewing commune Freistadt , was hired as master brewer . The Neufeldner BioBrauerei offers the brands "s'Hopferl" and "s'Zwickl", and other special beers such as "s'Weizenbock" are also to be brewed. The beers are sold through restaurants and retailers, and an output of 4,000 hectoliters is planned.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Upper Austrian News May 20, 1995: "Beer has been brewing again in Neufelden since yesterday"
  2. Oberösterreichische Nachrichten , December 5, 2000: “Breuss buys an insolvent brewery. New boss for Bräuhaus "
  3. a b ORF Upper Austria "New organic brewery in Neufelden"


  • Conrad Seidl : Our beer. All new breweries. All new beers. All new beer bars. Deuticke, Vienna, Munich 1996 ISBN 3-216-30252-0
  • Michael Hlatky: The great Austrian beer lexicon. Austrian breweries and beers. austria medien service, Graz 1996