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NewsML is an XML format that is used to exchange messages between agencies and their subscribers. NewsML was specified by the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) in 2000 and is the successor to the XML-based News Industry Text Format (NITF) , which was also developed by the IPTC .

The main features of NewsML are

  1. The stringent management of news items (NewsItems), each NewsItem receives a globally unique identifier and can also be differentiated in its sub-versions.
  2. Package capability, which means that several NewsItems can be transported in a single NewsML instance, for example a report text with photos or a topic package with several texts, photos and audio parts.

In addition to texts, photos, audio and video, structured information can also be transported as XML in NewsML, such as sports data using SportsML .

NewsML-G2 is a NewsML standard.

See also

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