Nguyên Trong Anh

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Nguyên Trong Anh (* 1935 ) is a French chemist . He was a professor at the University of Paris-South and then at the École polytechnique . He was also the research director of the CNRS .

He was originally an experimental chemist, but then mainly dealt with theoretical chemistry, with application to the mechanisms of reactions in organic chemistry and stereochemistry, and is known for the Felkin-Anh rule (with Hugh Felkin ). He wrote a book on the Woodward-Hoffmann rules .

Odile Eisenstein is one of his PhD students .


  • Les règles de Woodward Hoffman, Paris: Édisciences 1970
    • German translation: The Woodward-Hoffmann rules and their application, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1972
  • with Robert Corriu: Molecular Chemistry of Sol-Gel Derived Nanomaterials, Wiley 2009
  • Frontier orbitals - a practical manual, Wiley 2007
  • Introduction à la chimie moléculaire, Ellipses 1998
  • with Philippe Hiberty: Introduction à la Chimie Quantique, Ellipses 2008
  • La chimie: science of transformation, CERIMES 2000

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