Niccolò Spalletta

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Niccolò Spalletta or Niccolò da Caccamo (active in Caccamo and Palermo in the 16th century ) was an Italian Dominican priest and Renaissance painter in Sicily .

The dates of his life are just as unknown as his artistic career.

He created frescoes in Palermo in 1526 and in Caccamo in 1530 - each in the cloister of the Dominican monastery there - only fragments of which have survived in Palermo. In 1556 he painted frescoes in the Chiesa Santa Caterina in Termini Imerese .


  • Chiesa Santa Caterina ( Termini Imerese ): frescoes from the life of saints (1546)
  • Chiostro di San Domenico ( Palermo ): "Scenes of the Apocalypse" and "Scenes from the life of Saint Dominicans" (1556).
