Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet

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Portrait of Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet in Galerie de la presse, de la littérature et des beaux-arts
Scene from the Napoleonic Wars: three soldiers arrive in their quarters

Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet (born December 20, 1792 in Paris , † October 29, 1845 ) was a French painter and draftsman.

Charlet was a scribe under the Empire, but lost his job under the Restoration and now studied in the painter Gros' studio . He began with depictions from the life of a soldier, where he succeeded in depicting the grenadier of Napoleon's time in different scenes in gripping truth.

His grenadier from Waterloo and his episodes from the Russian campaign were epoch-making. His real field, however, was that of humor, where street boys, market women, workers, porters, etc. are presented in an inexhaustible variety.

As a result, he gradually created his own genre in which hardly anyone could surpass him throughout his life; Charlet was also admired as the Béranger of the caricature .

Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet died on October 29, 1845 at the age of 53.

His compositions are free from exaggeration, full of spirit and naivety, true masterpieces of satirical wit and the signatures are so apt that some dramatic authors have borrowed the basic idea of ​​their pieces from Charlet. His drawings and lithographs are innumerable.

Works (selection)

  • An episode from the Russian campaign (Museum of Versailles)
  • Jean-Victor Moreau's crossing over the Rhine (Museum zu Lyon)
  • A train of wounded (Bordeaux Museum)
  • Grenadier of Waterloo

Web links

Commons : Nicolas Toussaint Charlet  - Collection of images, videos and audio files