Lower Bavarian youth games

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The Lower Bavarian Youth Games took place in 1964, 1968 and 1975 under the sponsorship of the BLSV in Regen , Passau and Kelheim .

The precursors of the youth games were the district youth gymnastics and sports festivals in Landshut in 1952 and in Dingolfing in 1955, but their character was similar to several sports festivals taking place in parallel. Therefore, the senior teacher and BLSV district youth leader Gottfried Sandner developed the concept of the Lower Bavarian Youth Games in 1963, which, similar to the Olympic idea, was to become an interdisciplinary, high-profile youth sports festival in which the community is the focus. Since performance was not the focus, young people should be won over to the sport through shared experience. Years in which the Olympic Games took place were deliberately chosen for the first two games.

All athletes had to compete in a club team in addition to their own disciplines in the athletic three-way fight, run, jump and throw or push in order to create a balance between the strong and the weak. Another focus of the youth games was the musical work. At the same time, the all-around badges in gold and silver could be acquired.

1. Lower Bavarian Youth Games 1964 in Regen

The first youth games took place in Regen from June 27-29, 1964. A total of 1483 participants from 80 sports associations in Lower Bavaria took part. In addition to the Bayerwald Stadium, various halls, the Regener See and the Bodenmaiser swimming pool were venues. The young people were accommodated in the Raithmühle youth camp, in schools and in the youth hostel. The catering was organized by the Bundeswehr. A total of 300 competition leaders and team leaders were in action. The patron of the event was the Lower Bavarian District President Johann Riederer .

As a symbol of the games, following the Olympic rings, five adjacent rings were chosen, which were also intended to represent the five Lower Bavarian BLSV circles. With an opening ceremony, an "Olympic flame" and the hoisting of the Olympic flag during the games, a torchlight procession and a colorful evening, there was an extensive supporting program.

As part of the youth games, TSV Regen celebrated its 75th anniversary party.

2. Lower Bavarian Youth Games 1968 in Passau

The youth sports committee of Lower Bavaria made the decision in 1964 to repeat the youth games in 1968.

The second youth games took place from July 26th to 28th, 1968 in Passau. The patron was the Mayor of Passau, Emil Brichta . 1000 athletes from 50 Lower Bavarian clubs took part in the first event in the newly built three-river stadium and in the Passau Winterhafen (regatta). The participants of the "Mini-Olympiad" were accommodated in schools, the evening events took place in the Nibelungenhalle .

3rd Lower Bavarian Youth Games 1975 in Kelheim

At the youth games in Kelheim on July 19 and 20, 1975, 2,400 athletes from 17 specialist sports took part. State Secretary Alfred Dick was the patron . The events took place at various sports facilities in Kelheim. As a supporting program there was a dance and folklore evening in the triple gym and an ecumenical service in the stadium. The symbol of the five rings lying next to each other was no longer used, as it was probably seven years earlier. The games were dedicated to Gottfried Sandner, who died the year before, from whose grave in Regen a torch was carried to Kelheim.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gottfried Sandner: First home Olympics of the Lower Bavarian gymnastics and sports youth . From: Festschrift of the 2nd Lower Bavarian Youth Games, p. 23
  2. a b c Bayerwald-Bote from June 24, 1964, sports section
  3. Bayerwald-Bote from July 24, 1968, sports section
  4. Bayerwald-Bote from June 30, 1964, local part Regen
  5. Bayerwald-Bote from June 25, 1964, local section Regen
  6. ^ Raimund Karl: History of the City of Regen 1067-1967. Morsak-Verlag, Grafenau, 1967
  7. Bayerwald-Bote from July 30, 1968, local section Regen
  8. Festschrift of the 2nd Lower Bavarian Youth Games
  9. Bayerwald-Bote from July 29, 1968, sports section
  10. Bayerwald-Bote July 1975: Lower Bavarian youth games a success , sports section