Lower Rhine burial mound culture

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Carved vessels of the Lower Rhine burial mound culture (younger Bronze Age, 1200-800 BC),
Museum Burg Linn , Krefeld

The term Niederrheinische Grabhügelkultur describes a culture of the Younger Bronze Age and Early Iron Age between 1200 and 800 BC. BC, which is widespread in the Netherlands , the Lower Rhine and Westphalia . It is characterized by several peculiarities: Special vessel forms such Doppelkoni and terrines , a common adornment of the vessels with chip carving decor and cremations with Grabeinhegungen by grave mounds with double ring ditch , grave mounds with keyhole digging and long beds. It differs in this from the Urnfield Culture adjoining to the south and from the Nordic Bronze Age adjoining to the north .

See also


  • Walter Kersten: The Lower Rhine grave mound culture. In: Bonner Jahrbücher . Vol. 148, 1948, pp. 5-80.
  • Marcel Desittere: De Urnenveldenkultuur in het gebied tussen Neder-Rijn en Noordzee (Periodes Ha A en B) (= Dissertationes archaeologicae Gandenses. Vol. 11, ZDB -ID 1118177-1 ). De Tempel, Brugge 1968.
  • Klemens Wilhelmi: Two Bronze Age district ditch cemeteries near Telgte, Warendorf district (= soil antiquities of Westphalia. Vol. 17). Aschendorff, Münster 1981, ISBN 3-402-05120-6 .
  • Arie Dirk Verlinde: The graves and grave finds of the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age in Overijssel IV. In: Reports van de Rijksdienst voor het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek. Vol. 35, 1985, ISSN  0167-5443 , pp. 233-411.
  • Thomas Ruppel: The Urnfield Time in the Lower Rhine Bay (= Rhenish excavations. Vol. 30). Rheinland-Verlag, Cologne 1990, ISBN 3-7927-1135-4 (also: Cologne, University, Dissertation, 1985).
  • Axel Friederichs : Düstrup and Galgenesch, two grave fields from the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age in the city of Osnabrück (= The urn cemeteries in Lower Saxony. Vol. 15). Lax, Hildesheim 1992, ISBN 3-7848-1115-9 (at the same time: Göttingen, Universität, Master's thesis, 1989).