Lower Saxony Crafts Day

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The Lower Saxony Handicrafts Day (NHT) is an umbrella organization of the handicrafts in Lower Saxony, based in Hanover .

Duties and Membership

The Lower Saxony Crafts Day represents the interests of more than 80,000 craft businesses in public and in politics. The office is responsible for the state representation of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Crafts. The Lower Saxony Crafts Day has two member associations: State Representation of the Chamber of Crafts Lower Saxony (LHN) and Business Associations Craft Lower Saxony eV (UHN). The NHT acts as an organizer of central events for the Lower Saxon crafts. These include the craft-political Ash Wednesday and the state award ceremony in the performance competition of young craftspeople . In addition, he represents common trade-political demands towards politics and the public.


The Lower Saxony Crafts Day was founded in 1988 by its two member associations. Initially, the presidency changed annually between the two associations until Kurt Rehkopf became the first continuous president in 1994 . Mike Schneider has been President of the NHT since 2016.

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