Nig'matilla Yo'ldoshev

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Nig'matilla Yo'ldoshev

Nigʻmatilla Toʻlqinovich Yoʻldoshev ( Russian: Нигматилла Тулкинович Юлдашев Nigmatilla Tulkinowitsch Juldaschew , born November 5, 1962 in Tashkent ) is an Uzbek lawyer and statesman who has been chairman of the Senate of Uzbekistan since 2015 . Previously (2011–2015) he was Minister of Justice of Uzbekistan.


After graduating from Tashkent State University (now Uzbekistan National University ), Yo'ldoshev began his professional career in the prosecutor's office in the city of Olmaliq . In 1991 he became an investigator in the public prosecutor's office of the Tashkent district of Yunusobod . Later he rose to the position of chief investigator and prosecutor in the Uzbek prosecutor's office.

In 2000, Yoʻldoshev was promoted to head of internal security inspection of the Uzbek prosecutor's office before moving to the presidential administration in 2003. In 2006, he was appointed Head of Tax and Money Laundering for the Attorney General's Office. In 2008 he took over the post of Deputy Attorney General.

By decree of President Islom Karimov , Yoʻldoshev became Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in July 2011, until he was elected to the Senate, the upper house of Oliy Majlis, in 2015.

According to the Uzbek constitution, Yo'ldoshev temporarily took over the presidency after Karimov's death on September 2, although he only held this office for one week. In a joint session of the two chambers of the Uzbek parliament on September 8, Yo'ldoshev withdrew his right to the office of president on the grounds that Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev was better suited for this post due to his long experience.

Individual evidence

  1. Биография врио президента Узбекистана Нигматуллы Юлдашева. September 2, 2016, Retrieved October 17, 2018 (Russian).
  2. Узбекистан формально возглавил Нигматулла Юлдашев. Retrieved October 17, 2018 (Russian).
  3. Uzbekistan Names Longtime PM Mirziyaev Interim President. Retrieved October 17, 2018 .