Nihon Genshiryoku Hatsuden

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Nihon Genshiryoku Hatsuden
engl. Japan Atomic Power
legal form Kabushiki kaisha (KK)
(joint stock company)
engl. here: Company (Co.)
founding November 1, 1957
Seat Chiyoda , Tokyo Prefecture
Number of employees 1388
sales 145 billion yen (FY 2011, electricity business only)
Branch power supply

Nihon Genshiryoku Hatsuden KK ( Japanese 日本 原子 力 発 電 株式会社 , short Genden ( 原 電 ); English self-translation The Japan Atomic Power Company , short: JAPC ) is a Japanese nuclear power generation company that is more than 80 percent owned by six regional electricity suppliers. It owns and operates the Tōkai No. 2 ( Tōkai Daini ) nuclear power plants in Tōkai in the eastern Japanese prefecture of Ibaraki and Tsuruga in Tsuruga in the western Japanese prefecture of Fukui , previously also the Tōkai nuclear power plant, which was decommissioned in 1998.


The company was founded in 1957, in the same year the village of Tōkai was selected as a candidate for the location of the first commercial nuclear power plant. The construction of the Tōkai nuclear power plant was applied for in 1959 and started in 1960. In 1966 it went into commercial operation. At the same time, planning began for the Tsuruga nuclear power plant, construction began in 1966, and the first unit went into operation in 1970; the second block, a pressurized water reactor, started operations in 1987. The Tōkai No. 2 nuclear power plant was commissioned in 1978. In 2004, construction work began on two more units at the Tsuruga nuclear power plant.

Group of companies

Genden has three subsidiaries: Genden Jigyō KK, founded in 1973: ( 原 電 事業 , English Nuclear Services Co. , NSC ), which is responsible, among other things, for the operation, maintenance and compliance with safety regulations, Genden Business Service KK, founded in 1985 ( 原 電 ビ ジ ネ ス サ ー ビ ス , English Genden Business Service Co. ), which conducts public relations in the area of ​​nuclear power plants and, among other things, procures equipment for nuclear power plant operation, and Genden Jōhō System KK ( 原 電 情報 シ ス テ ム , English Genden Information System Co. ) for the procurement, operation and maintenance of computer systems.

There are also two cultural foundations in Fukui and Ibaraki, founded in 1997, and Recycle Nenryō Chozō KK ( リ サ イ ク ル 燃料 貯 engl, Recyclable-Fuel Storage Co. ) operated jointly with Tōkyō Denryoku (English Tepco ), which store and dispose of used nuclear fuel from both companies takes over.


The largest shareholders are Tōkyō Denryoku with over a quarter of the shares, Chūbu Denryoku and Kansai Denryoku with over 15 percent each and Hokuriku Denryoku with around 13 percent. Together, the nine regional electricity suppliers on the main islands, excluding Okinawa, hold 85 percent of the shares, Dengen Kaihatsu ( Electric Power Development ) holds another five percent, and the remaining almost ten percent of the shares are owned by over 140 other companies.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d 会 社 案 内> 会 社 概要 ( English version )
  2. 会 社 案 内> 沿革 ( English version )
  3. 会 社 案 内> 原 電 グ ル ー プ ・ 関 連 会 社 ・ 関 連 団 体 (English translation The JAPC Group Companies )
  4. 会 社 案 内 パ ン フ レ ッ ト 2011–2012 ( Memento of the original from June 10, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 3.3 MB) (parts as English translation in Corporate Data> Business Review ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /