Niklas Ribeisen

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Niklas Ribeisen (* 1484 Udenheim (Baden-Württemberg); † February 8, 1547 ) was a doctor of law, mining entrepreneur and advisor to both the Archbishop of Salzburg and the Bavarian Duke .

Duke Wilhelm IV. Gave Niklas Ribeisen that the Neuenchieming castle was built, in 1534 for his previously purchased goods at the Chiemsee the Hofmarksfreiheit with low jurisdiction .

See also



  • Gotthard Kießling, Dorit Reimann: District of Traunstein (= Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation [Hrsg.]: Monuments in Bavaria . Volume I.22 ). Kunstverlag Josef Fink, Lindenberg im Allgäu 2007, ISBN 978-3-89870-364-2 , p. 69 .