Nikolai Semjonowitsch Below

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Nikolai Semjonowitsch Belov ( Russian: Николай Семёнович Белов ; born April 25, 1908 in Schorschely, Kazan Governorate , † 1972 in Kemerovo ) was a Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of hydropower .


Below was born in Kazan Governorate in 1908. As a Komsomol activist, he was sent to Moscow to study at the Moscow Energy Institute . In 1935 he finished his studies.

From 1947 he worked as a dispatcher in a power plant, and then was appointed engineer of Shaturskaya GRES . After that he was chief engineer of the Cheboksary SDPP , director of Dalenergo and director of Kuzbassenergo of the Kemerovo region . Under his direction, the electrical system was installed in the Yuzhno-Kuzbass, Tom-Usinskaya, Belovskaya GRES, Novo-Kemerovo power plants and in Western Siberia.


On October 4, 1966, he was bestowed the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the Order of Lenin for excellence in fulfilling the tasks of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of the Energy of the Country .


  • O. Britvin: Remembering the outstanding energy: 100 years to Nikolai Semenovich Belov , O. Britvin // Kuzbass. - 2008. - 24 Apr. - p. 25: photo.
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor . Historical encyclopedia of Siberia in 3 volumes. (Ed.) Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Department, Institute of History. Novosibirsk: Historical Heritage of Siberia, 2009. - [T. 3]: St. Petersburg - 2009. - pp. 707-778; ISBN 5-8402-0230-4

Individual evidence

  1. Кемерово - Николай Семенович Белов (1908 - 1972). Retrieved May 25, 2018 .
  2. Белов Николай Семёнович. Retrieved May 25, 2018 .
  3. Энциклопедия | Белов Николай Семёнович .