Nikolaos Stratos

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Nikolaos Stratos ( Greek Νικόλαος Στράτος ) (* 1872 in Loutro ; † November 15 July / November 28,  1922 greg. In Goudi ) was a Greek politician and Prime Minister .

MP and Minister

Stratos, who completed a law degree and then worked as a lawyer, began his political career in 1902 with the election to the National Assembly (Voulí ton Ellínon) . In the fourth cabinet of Dimitrios Rallis , he was Interior Minister from July to August 1909. Soon afterwards he joined the newly founded Liberal Party of Eleftherios Venizelos . In 1911 he was elected President of the National Assembly and then Minister of the Navy in the first cabinet of Venizelos. In 1913 he switched to the party of the royalists and then lost his offices.

Prime Minister and execution

When Prime Minister Dimitrios Gounaris resigned after a vote of no confidence on May 16, 1922 due to the looming defeat in the Greco-Turkish War , Stratos was commissioned by King Constantine I to form a government. In the cabinet he also took over the offices of Foreign Minister and Minister of War . On May 22nd, however, he had to resign after only six days in government and handed over the office of prime minister to Petros Protopapadakis , who at least temporarily succeeded in forming a government.

Because of his offices in the so-called Trial of the Six, together with Gounaris, Protopapadakis and three military personnel, he was charged with high treason due to the defeat in the Greco-Turkish War, sentenced to death and finally on November 15th jul. / November 28, 1922 greg. executed .

His daughter Dora Stratou was a well-known dancer, singer and choreographer. His son Andreas Stratos was later a member of the National Assembly himself.

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predecessor Office successor
Dimitrios Gounaris Prime Minister of Greece
Petros Protopapadakis