Nikolaus Reineri

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Nikolaus Reineri (born July 17, 1639 in Kaimt ; † January 12, 1713 ibid) was a German lay judge , synodal and member of the Electoral Trier state parliament for the city of Zell (Mosel) .


Nikolaus Reineri was the youngest of 8 children of Matthias Reineri , who was deputy to the state parliament for many years, and his wife Margarete, nee. Hensel (* around 1602) from Kaimt on the Moselle. In 1688 he was lay judge and synodal in Kaimt, from 1684 to 1701 a member of the town council of Zell, from 1686 to 1708 magistrate at the town court of Zell and from 1695 to 1702 town clerk of the town of Zell. In 1701 he represented the office of Zell as a member of the “Secular Estates” in the Electorate of Trier . In 1666 he took over from his father Matthias Reineri the job of administrator of the Wadgassener Hof in Kaimt, an office that he passed on to his son Johannes of the same name in 1704.


Nikolaus Reineri was with Maria, geb. Berres married and had 15 children together. Son Hugo Friedrich studied in Trier in 1692 and son Peter from 1706 to 1707 also in Trier. Before 1703, his son Johannes was also the town clerk and tax collector in the Zell office and in 1704 he took over the Wadgassen monastery courtyard in Kaimt from his father. He was born with Eva Christina Reuss married and had 12 children with her.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Reineri family, In: Teamthur