Nils-Olav Johansen

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Nils-Olav Johansen (2012)

Nils-Olav Johansen (born April 12, 1966 in Bjugn ) is a Norwegian jazz guitarist and singer.

Johansen studied jazz music at the Trondheim Conservatory from 1986 to 1988 and played in bands such as Close Enough (1987-88), Pentateuch ("Blixband", since 1989) and Big Bambus (since 1989).

After a stay in France until 1990 he became a member of three bands: Farmers Market , Frode Fjellheims Jazz Joik Ensemble and Storytellers . With Farmers Market he played folk jazz albums: Speed ​​/ Balkan / Boogie (1994), Musikk fra Hybridene (1996) and Farmers Market / Stian Carstensen (1999-2000). Saajve dans appeared with Frode Fjellheim in 1994 , in the same year with the storytellers Enjoy Storytellers .

Since the 1990s he has appeared as a guest in groups such as Veslefrekk , Embla , Ståle Storløkken and the Trondheim Jazzorkester and has worked on recordings by Håvard Lund , Niels Præstholm , Jon Balke , the sextet by Sigurd Køhn and Nils-Olav Johansen, Sverre Gjørvad , Solveig Slettahjell , Eldbjørg Raknes , Christina Bjordal , Børre Dalhaug and Eirik Hegdal with.

With Harald Johnsen and Sverre Gjørvad , he founded the Nils Johansen Trio . 2005-06 he recorded the album My Deal as a band leader .

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