Niobia dendrotentaculata

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Niobia dendrotentaculata
Subclass : Leptolinae
Order : Anthomedusae
Subordination : Filifera
Family : Niobiidae
Genre : Niobia
Type : Niobia dendrotentaculata
Scientific name of the  family
Petersen , 1979
Scientific name of the  genus
Mayer , 1900
Scientific name of the  species
Niobia dendrotentaculata
Mayer , 1900

Niobia dendrotentaculata is a species of the Hydrozoa (Hydrozoa)living in the North Atlantic. The species is the only species in the genus Niobia , which in turn is the only genus in the Niobiidae family .


The hydroid polyps are not yet known. The medusa has two simple and two branching radial channels, so that finally six channels reach the ring channel. The gonads sit interradially on the manubrium . The marginal tentacle pistons develop asexually into daughter medusa. Gastral stalk , mesenteries and ocelli are absent.

Geographical occurrence

Niobia dendrotentaculata is known to date off the Malabar coast of India, Vietnam , the Mediterranean , the east coast of the USA, Florida (USA), Brazil and the Mexican Caribbean coast.



  • Jean Bouillon, Fernando Boero: Synopsis of the families and genera of the hydromedusae of the world, with a list of worldwide species. Thalassia Salentina, 24, 47-296, Galatina 2000 ISSN  0563-3745 PDF .
  • Marymegan Daly, Mercer R. Brugler, Paulyn Cartwright, Allen G. Collin, Michael N. Dawson, Daphne G. Fautin, Scott C. France, Catherine S. McFadden, Dennis M. Opresko, Estefania Rodriguez, Sandra L. Romano & Joel L. Stake: The phylum Cnidaria: A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus. Zootaxa, 1668: 127-182, Wellington 2007 ISSN  1175-5326 PDF 407kB
  • Alfred Goldsborough Mayer: Some medusae from the Tortugas, Florida. Bulletin of the Museum of comparative Zoology at Harvard University, 37 (2): 11-82, Harvard 1900


Individual evidence

  1. Kenya Correia-Valencia, Lourdes Segura-Puertas: Nuevos registros de dos especies de Anthomedusae (Pandeidae y Niobiidae) en el Golfo de México. Anales des Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, 22 (1): 125-127, Ciudad de México 1995, ISSN  0185-3287 full text