Noah's Ark Animal Rehabilitation Center

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Noah's Ark Animal Rehabilitation Center is a 617.5 acre animal sanctuary in Locust Grove , Georgia . It has a focus on the care of sick or injured animals. The animals come from illegal owners, from zoos , circuses and the wild . If possible, wild animals are released after rehabilitation . Pets and farm animals that have been found and given up are also located in the center. Pets can be accepted by private individuals.


The center was founded in 1978 by Jama and Charles Hedgecoth. Birds, domestic animals, bears, big cats, wolves, primates and reptiles were recorded. In 2017 the number of animals was given as over 1500 animals. The cost of the center ( pet food , housing, etc.) was approximately $ 33,000 per month in 2017.

Visitors can take free self-guided tours on the site . There is also the guided WOW tour for $ 75. To be a Keeper for the Day , the visitor has to pay $ 500.

Noah's Ark Children's Sanctuary

The Noah's Ark Children's Sanctuary receives orphans. In addition, it runs an educational program that focuses on teaching children of all ages knowledge about exotic species, farm animals and pets.

Leo, Baloo and Shere Khan

A lion, a bear and a tiger were found as cubs during a raid on a drug dealer in Atlanta in 2001 and subsequently proved to be inseparable; they refused to feed when they tried to separate. They lived together in an enclosure ever since. The lion died in August 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Animals do things: The lion-bear-tiger flat share. In: Spiegel Online . March 3, 2016, accessed June 10, 2018 .
  2. -ago-cage-drug-dealer-s-house-passes-away.html

Coordinates: 33 ° 18 '23.2 "  N , 84 ° 7' 39.4"  W.