Nolasc del Molar

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Nolasc del Molar ( 1902 in Molá , Tarragona province - 1983 in Barcelona ) was the religious name of the Capuchin Daniel Rebull i Muntanyola. He joined the Capuchin Order in 1918 and was ordained a priest in 1926. He published numerous works on patristicism , history and literature , and important editions of ancient texts. He was also a contributor to the Biblical Catalan Foundation and the Bernat Metge Foundation . Other works and translations by him had remained unpublished. In his final years he signed with the name Nolasc Rebull.


  • Consueta del misteri de la gloriosa Santa Àgata (1953). (Catalan)
  • Consueta de Sant Eudald (1954). (Catalan)
  • Per les cançons d'un terrelloner (1956) (collection of folk songs published with a pseudonym).
  • Una poesia religiosa del segle XIII (1953–1957). (Catalan)
  • Eiximenis (1960). (Catalan)
  • Traducció i comentari de L'himne acatist a la Mare de Déu (1961). (Catalan)
  • Perfil espiritual de Eiximenis article in Revista de Girona 22 (1963) (Spanish)
  • Procés d'un bruixot (1968). (Catalan)
  • La Llegenda àuria de Jaume de Voràgine segons un manuscrit de Vic (1975). (Catalan)

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