Non-Football Injury

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Non-Football Injury (NFI) is a term from the National Football League (NFL). This describes the status of a player who has sustained an injury outside of the NFL that prevents him from training and playing. Football-related injuries sustained by a player before signing an NFL team (e.g. college football ) were also included.


There are two categories of NFI: Active / NFI and Reserve / NFI . Players who are marked as Active / NFI count against the 53-person squad limit or during the offseason against the 90-person squad limit, but may start training again after medical clearance, whereby they can use the NFI - lose mark. Players on the reserve / NFI list do not count against any squad limit, i.e. neither the 53-person nor the 90-person limit. If a player starts the regular season on the reserve / NFI list, he may train with the team after the 6th matchday at the earliest. The team must activate the player between the 6th and 9th match day, otherwise he will remain on the NFI list for the rest of the season. However, a team can move a player from the NFI to the Injured Reserve List at any time . This is occasionally given by the teams as a service to the players as it enables the players to receive salary. If a player is placed on the NFI list during the regular season, he does not have to miss a minimum number of games, but can return at any time.

Players placed on the NFI list are not entitled to any payment as the franchises are not responsible for the player's failure. Often, however, special regulations are made that make continued payment mandatory. This is particularly the case with players whose signing a placement on the NFI list is already foreseeable. However, the salaries of the players marked as NFI count against the salary cap .

If a player is placed on the NFI list during the season, this is subject to approval by the NFL.


Cornerback Joshua Holsey was named the Washington Redskins' NFI list in 2018 after injuring himself when a table fell on his foot prior to the start of training camps. He missed the entire preseason and the first ten game days of the regular season , where he trained again after the sixth game day. Also in 2018, the San Francisco 49ers placed their fourth-round pick of the 2018 NFL Draft Kentavius ​​Street on the NFI list, where it spent the entire season after tearing his cruciate ligament in a private pre-draft training session. 2013 placed the 49ers linebacker Aldon Smith during the regular season on the NFI, as he went into a withdrawal program.

Individual evidence

  1. David Fucillo: NFL PUP list, Injured Reserve, NFI List rules and the 2015 San Francisco 49ers. July 23, 2015, accessed on July 21, 2016 .
  2. a b c NFL roster designations primer: Injured Reserve, PUP, NFI, and “Did Not Report”. Retrieved March 1, 2019 .
  3. ^ Colts Place Three On Non-Football Injury List. Retrieved March 1, 2019 .
  4. ^ ITP Glossary: ​​Non-Football Injury List. Retrieved March 1, 2019 .
  5. ^ A b Niners place linebacker Aldon Smith on NFI list. Retrieved March 1, 2019 .
  6. a b c Injury list rules and the 2018 San Francisco 49ers. Retrieved March 1, 2019 .
  7. ^ Washington activates Joshua Holsey from non-football injury list, places Geron Christian on IR. Retrieved March 1, 2019 .