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The nonarime ( Italian Nona rima "nine-line", "nine rhyme") is a nine-line stanza made up of nine eleven-syllable endecasillabi (9  × x 11) with the rhyme scheme [abababccb]. It can be understood as a variant of the eight-line punch , derived from this by adding a ninth verse that rhymes with the b-line.

In Italian literature, the Nonarime initially only appears in Intelligenza , an anonymous allegorical-didactic poem from the 13th century. In modern Italian poetry, the shape was recreated by Giuseppe Giusti (in A Gino Capponi ), Giovanni Marradi , Gabriele d'Annunzio and Pier Paolo Pasolini ( Canto Popolare in Le ceneri di Gramsci ).

The form was not taken up in German poetry.


  • Wilhelm Theodor Elwert: Italian metric. Hueber, Munich 1968, p. 127 f.
  • Otto Knörrich: Lexicon of lyrical forms (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 479). 2nd, revised edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-520-47902-8 , p. 156 f ..