Norbert Koczorski

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Norbert Koczorski on June 6, 2013 before the opening of the traveling exhibition 200 years of Georg Büchner. Peace to the huts ... in the Justus-Liebig-Haus, Darmstadt.

Norbert Koczorski (born June 6, 1953 in Jugenheim (Seeheim-Jugenheim) ; died March 2018 in Diepholz ) was a temporarily homeless Mail Art artist.


After his childhood in Pfungstadt and secondary school, he completed an apprenticeship as a bookbinder and trained with the book designer Ralf Steffen . He worked for several years in the industry as a bookbinder before starting his first work as a freelance artist in 1986.

Since 1989 he has worked in installations and performances, among others with the Fluxus artist Benjamin Patterson , on the subject of time and undertook study trips to India, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia, in 1995 to New York.

Encouraged by a postcard from Aloys Ohlmann in a friend's studio, he turned to Mail Art in the late 1980s and made numerous contacts with the international Mail Art community.

Norbert Koczorski was a member of the poverty network and the Erich Mühsam Society .

He was buried on May 2, 2018 in the cemetery in Freistatt .

The artist Harald Birck (* 1960) made a bust of Norbert Koczorski as part of his project At Eye Level.

Norbert Koczorski in conversation with Prime Minister Stephan Weil on October 17, 2016 in the Hanover Pavilion

Artistic work

Norbert Koczorski was the initiator of the Homeless Mail Art project and the Mail Art exhibition Peace to the Huts! War the palaces! - 200 years of Georg Büchner .

He was also involved in the traveling exhibition of the Diakonie Kunst despite (t) poverty .

Individual works

Stickman, drawing by Norbert Koczorski, 2015. Acrylic on library cardboard

Known in the Mail Art community are his drawings, known as “Stickman”, which can be found in many Mail Art archives and on blogs of Mail Art artists from the beginning of his Mail Art activities until 2018.

Exhibitions and performances (selection)

  • TIME TRACK Installation & Performance. Darmstadt Garden Gallery
  • ULYSSES 2000 video performance with Hans-Leo Rohleder. Darmstadt art factory
  • LOBHUDELEI performance. Art point gallery. Darmstadt
  • MEDITATION ON A BAG Installation & Performance. Theaterplatz Basel. Basel. 1994
  • HEINE 2000 video performance with Benjamin Patterson. City of Rudesheim
  • TIME - ADJUST 4/28 Performance Association for Experimental Music e. V. Darmstadt art factory
  • JARRO installation in a brook town of Diepholz. Project with secondary school class 7b on the subject of water
  • HANUMAN FOREST RESTAURANT Eat Art Event. Fluxus friends Wiesbaden
  • ENIVREZ VOUS after Charles Baudelaire. Performance. Körstube Diepholz
  • KLAGE video performance in collaboration with the Erich Mühsam Society and the pianist Stephan Wunderlich. Buddenbrookhaus Lübeck.
  • STEIN-ZEIT performance. Gylsboda Art Center Sweden. 2011
  • ARTICLE 1 - Performance on the 20th anniversary of the National Poverty Conference - (no) reason to celebrate - State Representation of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. Berlin. 2011
  • ART DESPITE (T) POVERTY. Traveling exhibition of Diakonie Deutschland (Bet.). documenta hall. 2012 and other locations continuously


  • 2008: Norbert Koczorski. Realize community. Homeless mail art project of the Diakonie Freistatt / Bethel. In: Erich-Mühsam-Gesellschaft et al. (Ed.), Lübeck 2008: Art as a political weapon or as a means of enlightenment? / 18th Erich Mühsam Conference. Conference paper p. 20. ISBN 978-3-931079-39-0

Web links

Commons : Norbert Koczorski  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • [1] "When post becomes art" report from Höchst Kreisblatt February 27, 2015 (accessed on May 3, 2018)
  • [2] "Peace to the Huts - War to the Palaces" Information from the Luther Church Cologne on the Diakonie's traveling exhibition with PDF download of the catalog (accessed on May 3, 2018)
  • [3] "Art that rubs against politics. A conversation with Klaus Staeck, Norbert Koczorski and Andreas Pitz about an exhibition on poverty and homelessness on postcards" in: Diakonie-Magazin 01 2014. (accessed on May 3, 2018)

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