Norbert Springborn

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Norbert Springborn (born December 9, 1945 in Hamburg ) is a German trade unionist , SPD politician and former member of the Hamburg Parliament .

First years

After completing an apprenticeship as a printer, Springborn began an apprenticeship as a publishing clerk. From 1961 to 1966 he worked for various publishing houses as a volunteer, production assistant and manufacturer. In 1971 he found a job at the HDV printing company in Hamburg as a book printer. After retraining, he worked as an offset printer from 1973 . Springborn is married.

Politics and union

In 1971 Norbert Springborn became a member of the SPD and joined the IG Druck und Papier . In 1972, 1974 and 1976 he was a member of the State Executive Committee of the Hamburg Young Socialists . In 1972 his colleagues elected him to the works council. In 1974 he became chairman of the general works council of the HDV printing company.

In June 1978 he moved into the Hamburg parliament as a successor . Until 1982 he worked mainly in the Interior Committee, the Committee for Port and Transport and - as a representative - in the Legal Committee.


  • Hinnerk Fock (editor): Handbook of the Hamburg citizenship - personal details - 9th electoral period. Hamburg 1981, pp. 299f., 41, 42 and 44.