Novena de Aguinaldos

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The novena is usually prayed around the nativity scene

The Novena de Aguinaldo (dt. About Novena of Christmas gifts) is a Catholic custom in Advent in Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

On the nine days from December 16 to 24, daily prayers relating to the nine months before the birth of Jesus will be offered in the home and neighborhood. The underlying text comes from the Franciscan Father Fernando de Jesus Larrea (born 1700 in Quito) and was extended by Mother Maria Ignacia Acosta.

After the prayer, there is often a meal together and the villancicos , traditional Christmas carols, are sung.


The term aguinaldo is used as a term for Christmas present . In the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, he is of Aguilando derived, which in turn a corruption of the Latin hoc anno in, so this year performing. In contrast, the term in the Diccionario general etimológico de la lengua española by Eduardo de Echegaray is derived from a Celtic word eguinand meaning New Year's present .

Individual evidence

  1. Entries on aguinaldo and aguilando. Dictionary of the Real Academia Española.
  2. Eduardo de Echegaray: Diccionario general etimológico de la lengua española. Madrid 1887, digital version.


  • Novena Tradicional de Aguinaldos. Panamericana, Bogotá, 5th edition 1997, ISBN 958-30-0257-7 .

Web links

Wikisource: Novena de Aguinaldos de Colombia  - Sources and full texts (Spanish)
