Nucleus nervi oculomotorii

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Schematic transverse section through the midbrain

The oculomotor nucleus is a collection of nerve cells - a core region (nucleus) - in the midbrain and forms the front end of somatomotor core column of the cranial nerves within the brain stem . The paired core area lies on both sides in the midbrain dome ( tegmentum mesencephali ), directly on the water pipe of the brain ( aqueductus mesencephali ).

The processes of the nucleus nervi oculomotorii together with those of the parasympathetic Edinger-Westphal nucleus form the III. Cranial nerve ( oculomotor nerve , eye muscle nerve ). In this case, assume the somatotopically arranged subunits nerve fibers to the same side ( ipsilateral ) rectus inferior , abdominal inferior , musculus rectus medialis and the reciprocal ( contralateral ) musculus rectus superior .

The Edinger-Westphal nucleus is connected to the other ocular muscle nuclei ( Nucleus nervi trochlearis , Nucleus nervi abducentis ) via the medial longitudinal bundle ( Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis ) . In addition, there are connections via this bundle with the equilibrium nuclei ( nuclei vestibulares ), via which vestibulo-ocular reflexes are mediated.

Damage to the nucleus nervi oculomotorii leads to oculomotor paresis .
