Numerus Exploratorum Germanicianorum

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The Numerus Exploratorum Germanicianorum ( German  Numerus of the scouts from the province of Germania ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is documented by inscriptions.

Name components

  • Exploratorum : the scout or scout.
  • Germanicianorum : from the province of Germania. When the unit was set up, the soldiers of the numerus were seconded from troops stationed in the province of Germania.


The number is documented by inscriptions in the 3rd century AD in the province of Germania inferior . It is possible that the unit (or a vexillation of the same) took part in campaigns outside of its stationing province. This is indicated at least by tombstones found in the provinces of Mauretania Caesariensis ( AE 1901, 59 ) and Thracia ( CIL 3, 14207,10 ).


Locations of the numerus are not known.

Members of the number

The following members of the number are known:

See also


  1. The inscription is reproduced in Marcus Reuter with ... militi n (umeri) expl (oratorum) [G] ermanicianorum Ger (maniae) inf (erioris) vixit ... , in the epigraphic database Clauss-Slaby, however, with ... militi n (umeri) expl (oratorum) [G] ermanicianorum Cyrin (i) f (ilio) vixit ...

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Marcus Reuter : Studies on the numbers of the Roman Army in the Middle Imperial Era, dissertation, In: Reports of the Roman-Germanic Commission 80, 1999, pp. 359–569, here pp. 491–493.