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Nysus ( Greek  Νῦσος ) is the tutor of Dionysus in Greek mythology .

When Dionysus went on his campaign to India, he left the city of Thebes under Nysus' reign, but when the god returned, Nysus was not ready to relinquish the rule. Since Dionysus did not want to wage war with his old tutor, he appeared to be conciliatory and agreed to hold the festival of Trieteris in Thebes. But he brought warriors disguised as Bacchae into the city, who took Nysus prisoner.

In Cicero is Nisus specified as the name of the father of the "fifth Dionysos," which as Nysos be read.



Individual evidence

  1. Cicero De natura deorum 3, 23, 58. See Roscher.