Supreme National Council

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Assembly of the Council of Insurgent Poles in the Forest by Night ( Alexander Orlowski )

The Supreme National Council ( Polish : Rada Najwyższa Narodowa ) was a civil central government of Poland , which was loyal to the Kościuszko insurgents and was founded by Tadeusz Kościuszko on May 10, 1794 in Połaniec with 8 councils and 32 deputies. She replaced the provisional council of the Duchy of Mazovia .

Areas of responsibility and councilors of the council

The council consisted of eight areas of responsibility, each area presided over by a council.

  • The task area for order ( Wydział Porządku ), led by Alojzy Sulistrowski , dealt with the maintenance of roads, bridges, postal systems and communication.
  • The Security Division ( Wydział Bezpieczeństwa ), headed by Tomasz Wawrzecki , was concerned with the observation of spies and criminals, carried out searches and arrests, and kept the inmates in custody.
  • The jurisdiction of the judiciary ( Wydział Sprawiedliwości ), led by Franciszek Myszkowski , supervised the courts and carried out executions.
  • The area of ​​responsibility of the treasurer ( Wydział Skarbu ), led by Hugo Kołłątaj , looked after the goods of the so-called "traitors to the fatherland", controlled the national goods and controlled the mint.
  • The Food Supply Division ( Wydział Żywności ), led by Ignacy Wyssogota Zakrzewski , equipped the insurgent army, supervised the mills, bakeries and breweries, and distributed food to the poor.
  • The area of ​​responsibility of the military ( Wydział Potrzeb Wojskowych ), led by Stanisław Wielowiejski , carried out the drafts and controlled the armaments factories.
  • The Department of Foreign Interests ( Wydział Interesów Zagranicznych ), led by Ignacy Potocki , sent envoys and agents abroad and negotiated with other states.
  • The area of ​​responsibility of the National Unity ( Wydział Instrukcji Narodowej ), headed by Jan Jaśkiewicz , supervised the schools, dealt with propaganda for the uprising, carried out not only newspapers but also educational work in the churches and at meetings and administered the funds in the field of education.

King Stanislaus II August Poniatowski assured the council on May 5, 1794 that "the homeland and the nation will not be ceded" ( Ojczyzny i narodu nie odstąpię ), but Kościuszko had no intention of allowing this either.

The official newspaper of the council was: " Gazeta Rządowa ".
