Odete Semedo

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Maria Odete da Costa Semedo (born November 7, 1959 in Bissau ) is an author and literary scholar from Guinea-Bissau . She writes in Portuguese as well as in the informal colloquial language Creole .

Semedo studied languages ​​and modern literature at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa . She is co-founder of the magazine Tcholona: Revista de Letras, Artes e Cultura and has published two volumes of poetry, Entre o Ser eo Amar and No Fundo do Canto . She works in Bissau as a researcher in the field of education at the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa .

Semedo also held numerous political offices. She acted as President of the National UNESCO Commission and Minister of Government of Guinea-Bissau . She was also the rector of Amílcar Cabral University.


  • Entre o Ser eo Amar , Edição INEP, Guinea-Bissau 1996 (Kreol)
  • Histórias e passadas que ouvi contar , Edição INEP, Guinea-Bissau 2003 (Portuguese)
  • No Fundo Do Canto Nandyala, Belo Horizonte 2007 (Portuguese)
  • Guiné-Bissau - Historia, Culturas, Sociedade e Literatura , Nandyala, Belo Horizonte 2011 (Portuguese)
  • Literaturas da Guiné-Bissau - Cantando os escritos da história , Afrontamento, Porto 2011 (Portuguese)

Individual evidence

  1. a b https://www.cartamaior.com.br/?/Editoria/Midia/Maria-Odete-da-Costa-Semedo-uma-alma-inquieta-da-Guine-Bissau/12/11301 "Maria Odete da Costa Semedo, uma alma inquieta da Guiné-Bissau ". Accessed January 31, 2019.
  2. Odete Costa Semedo - ancestralidade ea poética do desassossego . Retrieved November 22, 2016.
  3. WOMEN WRITING AFRICA . Retrieved November 22, 2016.
  4. https://savvy-contemporary.com/de/events/2019/untranslatable-kriol/ Savvy Contemporary : Biography Maria Odete da Costa Soares Semedo