Odo of Vermandois

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Odo von Vermandois ( French Eudes de Vermandois , * probably 910 ; † after June 19, 946 ) was Count of Vienne from 928–931 and Count of Amiens from 941–944 . He was the eldest son of Count Heribert II of Vermandois and Adela of France.

In 928 Hugo von Arles , King of Lower Burgundy , who had also been King of Italy since 926 , gave him the county of Vienne . However, it is not known whether he actually came to government there, especially since the city was owned by Karl Konstantin, the son of Hugo's predecessor Ludwig III, from 931 onwards . was held.

In 938 he allied himself with King Louis IV of France against his father, and received the city of Laon from him ; In 941 he seized the county of Amiens , from which he was driven out again in 944 - by royal troops.

His father had died the year before (943), he was evidently unable to succeed him, and he does not seem to have been taken into account when the inheritance was distributed in 946. After June 19, 946, it no longer appears in the documents.


  • Patrick Van Kerrebrouck, Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1: La Préhistoire des Capétiens (par Christian Settipani ), 1993