Ear length

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The ear length is a body measurement and describes the length of the auricle of mammals from the lowest point of the auricle, the indentation in the cartilage , to the outermost tip of the ear. The standard measure is taken with a pair of dividers or a transparent ruler . Overhanging hair is not measured.

Sufficiently accurate measurement results cannot usually be obtained on living animals. Measurement on freshly dead animals is recommended; measurements during rigor mortis , however, are not recommended. The preservation usually affects the length and shape of the auricles. The auricles of bellows and skins shrink quite a bit.


  • Fritz Dieterlen: Classification, taxonomic features, dimensions and technical terms . In: Monika Braun, Fritz Dieterlen (Hrsg.): Die Säugetiere Baden-Württemberg. Volume 1 . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3282-6 , pp. 299-310 .
  • Martin Görner, Hans Hackethal: Mammals of Europe: Observe and determine . Ferdinand Enke / Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, Stuttgart / Munich 1988, ISBN 3-432-96461-7 (licensed edition).
  • E. Raymond Hall, Keith R. Kelson: The Mammals of North America . The Ronald Press Company, New York 1959.
  • Joachim Jenrich, Paul-Walter Löhr, Franz Müller: Small mammals: body and skull features. Ecology . Michael Imhof, Fulda 2010, ISBN 978-3-86568-147-8 .
  • Jonathan Kingdon, David Happold, Michael Hoffmann, Thomas Butynski, Meredith Happold, Jan Kalina (Eds.): Mammals of Africa. Volume I: Introductory Chapters and Afrotheria . Bloomsbury, London a. a. 2013, ISBN 978-1-4081-2251-8 .
  • Erna Mohr: The free-living rodents in Germany and neighboring countries . 3. Edition. VEB Gustav Fischer, Jena 1954.


  1. a b Jenrich and coworkers, 2010 (p. 16)
  2. ^ Hall and Kelson, 1959 (p. 1040)
  3. Mohr, 1954 (p. 73)
  4. ^ Hall and Kelson, 1959 (Fig. 547, p. 1041)
  5. Dieterlen, 2003 (p. 304)
  6. Görner and Hackethal, 1988 [1987] (pp. 12-13)
  7. Kingdon et al., 2013 (p. 299)
  8. ^ Mohr, 1954 (p. 72)