Oldenburg Vogteikarte

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The Oldenburg Bailiwick Map was the first extensive land survey of the Duchy of Oldenburg .

Memorial plaque for Caspar Wessel in the castle garden in Oldenburg


The Oldenburg Vogteikarte was created between 1781 and 1799 and shows the Duchy of Oldenburg on 47 map sheets. The map sheets depict bailiwicks, offices or parts of them. The map shows the building stock, the traffic routes and bodies of water in detail. There are numerous signatures of the vegetation such as gardens, meadows, forests, staple land, pastures or peat extraction areas. The multi-colored map sheets are shown on a scale of 1: 20,000.


The Duchy of Oldenburg was created in 1774 and did not have a reliable topographical map for the development of the country and its economic development. In 1781 Duke Friedrich August announced a general survey of the country. The Danish-Norwegian mathematician and geodesist Caspar Wessel determined the coordinates of the reference point and the triangulation points. First, Christian Georg von Oeder took over the coordination of the detailed surveying until 1791. Christian Römer then took over the coordination, which was completed in 1799. The cartographic work on the map sheets was completed in 1810.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Oldenburg Vogteikarte (OV) | State Office for Geoinformation and Land Surveying Lower Saxony. Retrieved December 7, 2019 .