Oleschky Sands

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Coordinates: 46 ° 35 ′ 0 ″  N , 33 ° 3 ′ 0 ″  E

Oleschky-Sande 2014
Oleschky Sands (Kherson Oblast)
Oleschky Sands
Oleschky Sands
Kherson Oblast
Oleschky Sands in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine

Oleshky Sands ( Ukrainian Олешківські піски Oleschkiwski Pisky ; Russian Алёшковские пески Aljoschkowskije peski also Oleschkysande or Oleschki desert or the Russian derived Aleshki Sands ) is a 161 square kilometer semidesert and with a diameter of 30 km, the largest sandy area of Ukraine . The desert got its name from the nearby town of Oleschky .

The Oleschky Sand is a natural monument and can be classified as a semi-desert in terms of precipitation and temperature, although the sand can heat up to a temperature of up to 75 ° C in summer. Dense sandstorms can occur due to low precipitation and hot updrafts. There are many small oases made up of pine and birch trees , but due to the lack of wind, it is hotter than the open desert.


Oleschky-Sande is located in Kherson Oblast south of the Dnepr, 30 km east of Kherson . Other, smaller desert areas stretch 150 km south of the Dnieper to the Kinburn Peninsula on the Dnieper-Bug-Liman .


The semi-desert had existed in a small form for a long time, but expanded to its present size in a relatively short time through overgrazing in the 18th and 19th centuries. Large flocks of sheep grazing in the steppe completely destroyed the grass vegetation and wind erosion spread the sand. To prevent further spread, were planted in the 1920s to the semi-desert pine - pine - and acacia forests , which now have an area of more than 1000 square kilometers. During the Soviet era , the area was used as a military training area for the training of pilots of the member states of the Warsaw Treaty Organization , so that there are still many duds in the desert and therefore large areas are closed.

Web links

Commons : Oleschky-Sande  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Алешковские пески, Раденск. In: doroga.ua. Retrieved July 30, 2015 (Russian).
  2. a b c d Алешковские пески - самая большая пустыня Европы. In: LifeGlobe. November 10, 2012, Retrieved November 4, 2019 (Russian, Oleshkivski Sand - the largest desert in Europe).
  3. Sergeĭ Stepanovich Sobolev: The soils of Ukraine and the Steppe Crimea . O. Stollberg, 1944, accessed on August 1, 2015 (digitized from Google Books).
  4. Олешківські піски (Херсонщина). In: 7 чудес України / 7chudes.in.ua. Archived from the original on May 11, 2013 ; Retrieved November 4, 2019 (Ukrainian).