Oliver Strunk

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William Oliver Strunk (born March 22, 1901 in Ithaca , New York , † February 24, 1980 in Grottaferrata near Rome ) was an American musicologist and teacher.


Strunk had worked in the music department of the Library of Congress since 1928 , of which he became director in 1934. In 1935 he became president of the Music Library Association . From 1937 he was professor of music at Princeton University . In 1950 his main work Source Readings in Music History from Classical Antiquity through the Romantic Era was published . From 1961 he directed the publication of the Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae . In 1962 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . Since 1975 he has been a corresponding member of the British Academy . After retiring in 1966, he devoted himself to the ItalianMonastero Esarchico di Santa Maria di Grottaferrata of the study of Byzantine music.


  • Carl Engel / O. Strunk: Music from the days of George Washington , 1931
  • Source readings in music history from classical antiquity through the romantic era , 1950
  • Source readings in music history / Selected and annotated by Oliver Strunk , 1955
  • Specimina notationum antiquiorum: folia selecta ex variis codicibus saec. x, xi, & xii phototypice depicta (Monumenta musicae Byzantinae 7) ed., 1966
  • Studies in music history ; Essays, 1968
  • Essays on music in the Western World , 1974
  • Essays on music in the Byzantine world , 1977
